Frequently Asked Questions

The following terms refer to the same thing: 

  • Tension Myositis Syndrome / Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS)
  • MindBody Syndrome
  • Neuroplastic Pain
  • Psychosocial Disorder
  • Psychosomatic Disorder
  • Psychophysiologic Disorder
  • Biopsychosocial Disorder

The terms don't matter as long as you believe it is a mindbody syndrome and that your body has the ability to heal itself. 

Since I began noticing progress, the need for an official diagnosis to determine whether I have PPPD or MdDs seemed unnecessary. I think it probably helped with my recovery too that I simply viewed it as Neural Circuit Dizziness. Looking at the symptoms shared in Dr Yonit's videos and community, it is most likely to be MdDs. In my situation though, this happened spontaneously without any prior connection to disembarking from a cruise ship. 

It took me two weeks to see a 90% improvement after completing Dr Yonit's free course and reading the recommended books - The Way Out and The Mindbody Prescription. Everyone's recovery journey is different, the important thing is not to rush it. 

Dr Yonit shared more in these videos on what recovery looks like and how to get through the last mile of your recovery.

MdDs - Mal de Débarquement Syndrome

PPPD - Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness

It can seem pretty overwhelming initially with so much information. A suggested approach:

  1. Rule out any serious / life-threatening condition first through medical examination. 
  2. Take the Pain test to see if you are experiencing most of the suggested symptoms. 
  3. Read the book “The Way Out” to learn more about Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) - allay your fears and turn down the ‘danger’ mode first.
  4. Attempt the free course by Dr Yonit. There is a section that helps with processing your emotions.
  5. Download the free printables.

I did No. 3 and No. 4 concurrently.

Pain Test is available at:

No, your symptoms are 100% real! (Just like mine and many others). It is a case of your brain and (overactive) nervous system making a simple mistake, and is reversible. Dr Yonit has a Q&A video explanation here on whether chronic dizziness is psychological. 

I also understand that there is still a prevailing social stigma surrounding the subject of mental health, but how exactly do we define the state of mental health and wellness in someone? Because the more I delve into this area (via books / videos / sharing in the community), the more evident it becomes that a vast majority of people will encounter some form of stressors in their life. Chronic pain, dizziness or illnesses may or may not develop depending on each individual's coping mechanism. 

Apart from giving the suggested approach a try, if you truly feel that seeing a psychotherapist may help you, please do not hesitate to make an appointment. It may be beneficial to seek professional help in identifying the stressors, if any, in your life or processing your emotions.

The symptoms can be divided into three different categories: Chronic Pain Symptoms, Physical Symptoms and Psychological Symptoms. 

Symptoms vary among individuals, with some experiencing a combination of different symptoms.

Here is a list of some common symptoms:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Dizziness (MdDS, PPPD, Vertigo, Vestibular migraine, etc)
  • Headache
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Insomnia, etc. 
  • View list here

Disclaimer: It is important to first rule out any serious medical condition with your doctor. No material on this site and external links is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Yep, I did. It is a ‘good’ thing in a way as it is yet another indicator that what I am experiencing is likely Neural Circuit Pain / Dizziness. My symptoms changed from neck pain to dizziness to upper back pain to swaying / bobbing sensations, and in between I also experienced pain in the eyes and ears. 

Here is a video shared by Dr Yonit on experiencing symptom changes. 

I didn't, but not because i think one shouldn't but rather that I already started seeing improvements after completing Dr Yonit's free course and reading the books. The physiotherapist I saw (before I came across Dr Yonit's channel) did get me to do some vestibular exercises during the few sessions, and I remember I felt some dizziness when I attempted certain exercises. 

I also came across a video by Dr Yonit on proprioceptor exercises that help with those experiencing the weird feeling of walking on marshmallow / trampoline. I attempted probably only 3 times as I was already feeling better by then.  

Dr Yonit has some great Q&A videos on vestibular exercises and medication, do view them to understand more. 

Your concerns are definitely valid. I remember the initial period when I tried to resume a certain activity, the first thought that came to my mind was always: “Is this going to worsen my dizziness?” Gradually I learned to trust the process and continue with the activity. I believe part of the brain rewiring process involves my mindset and emotions toward the activity, as well as making a conscious decision to engage in it. The combination of thoughts, emotions and actions helps my brain recognise that the activity is safe.

I found these videos to be particularly helpful: 

  • Video by Dr Yonit on whether you should push through your dizziness symptoms during recovery. 
  • Video by Dr Yonit on how to deal with fearful or intrusive thoughts about your chronic dizziness symptoms.
  • Video by Dr Yonit on how to stop being afraid of your chronic dizziness symptoms.
  • Video by Dr Yonit on 5 small habits keeping you dizzy.
  • Video by Dan Buglio on how you are influencing your brain.

My honest answer? No. I did join a FB group on cervicogenic dizziness, but decided to exit the group after one day as the comments shared were all too depressing. After finishing Dr Yonit's free course, I decided to join her paid membership which had provided tremendous support and resources for me. If what you are experiencing is chronic dizziness, I would highly recommend it.

Please also note that all that I have shared here (the youtube videos / downloads / Dr Yonit's course etc.) is free. There should be no solicitation of any sort of payment via my website URL. Please reach out to me immediately if you come across any. There is only one URL associated with this website:

You are not alone. Truth be told, when I tried sharing my experience with some, they either made some light-hearted jokes or showed little interest. My hope is for you to embrace a slightly more open-minded perspective. It doesn't matter if you are not completely convinced yet, but I urge you to give the suggestions a try. If you witness any improvements, I will be happy for you. And even if you don't, at least you have given it a shot.

There is one caveat though. While I have been fortunate enough to witness significant improvement within just 2 weeks, there are individuals who may only experience noticeable improvements after several months. There could also be dips along your recovery journey. Keep going. :)