5. Improvements (Part 2)

5. Improvements (Part 2)

Jun - Aug 2023: I can confidently say that I am at 95% recovery. 

  • I was able to go on a roller coaster ride (Did make me reconsider a bit when dizziness was among a list of medical conditions highlighted on a warning signboard 😵‍💫, but am glad I went ahead!). 
  • I don’t feel the sensations as much when I reach home now. 
  • I am able to get back to exercising now.

I understand that this last mile of my recovery could drag on for a while similar to the experience of others, but I am not afraid anymore even if certain symptoms show up. I am fully aware now that it is a mindbody syndrome and there might be certain stressful / emotional situations that I need to face and deal with in my life. It is also important to continue with our usual activities, particularly those that bring us joy, as this is part of the rewiring process to let the brain know that these activities are safe. 

I am fortunate to have found Dr Yonit and her community and to know that I am not alone, because NONE of my family and friends understood those “invisible” (but not invincible) sensations. 😅 We just got to keep reminding ourselves that we will recover, that our brain, body and nervous system have the ability to readjust and heal themselves. Most importantly, we have to understand that everyone’s situation and recovery journey will be different. 

I hope what I have shared is helpful to anyone who has similar symptoms or might be grappling with other chronic pain symptoms. I made a small promise to God and myself that if I regain my health, I will generously share my recovery journey with others. If you know of anyone out there who might benefit from my sharing, please feel free to forward them my site. If there is anything I can help with, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

My greatest hope is for an increased awareness among medical professionals (GPs / neurologists / physiotherapists / chiropractors, etc.) on the mindbody syndrome. Only then can they instill hope in their patients by assuring them of a high likelihood of recovery, instead of simply telling them that all they can do is learn to cope with their chronic symptoms for the rest of their lives. I also could not help but wonder about the significant amount of time and money that could potentially be saved if it is purely a mindbody syndrome - one that is reversible for many.

Thank you once again to Dr Yonit and her team, I cannot express enough how grateful I am.

MindBody Connection

Shared by MindBody Connection

Published 01 Aug 2023