4. Improvements (Part 1)

4. Improvements (Part 1)

May 2023: Interestingly, I started noticing some improvements after two weeks.

  • My body / spine area didn’t sway anymore when I was walking / sitting / lying down.  
  • I was able to sit longer (a few hours now compared to a few minutes previously)
  •  My neck pain / tightness had disappeared. 
  • I used to feel dizzy even when I touched / squeezed my nose, but am totally fine now. 
  • I could feel my body being more centralised when I sleep. I used to feel it slanted to one side even though I was lying straight. 
  • I am able to sleep on my side now, used to feel dizzy when I did that. 

Then two more weeks later, I don't feel the bobbing / floating / walking on marshmallow sensations when I walk outdoors (shopping malls / parks etc.). I mentioned I am 90% recovered because I still felt the sensations sometimes when I sat down / reached home after a long day out / brushed my teeth in the morning.  They were mild and usually gone pretty fast.

MindBody Connection

Shared by MindBody Connection

Published 02 Aug 2023