2. Recovery Process: Allaying my fears

2. Recovery Process: Allaying my fears

Apr - May 2023: I am not particularly religious but I was really desperate and prayed (thanks to a dear friend who sent me a prayer and prayed for me too) one night when the swaying / bobbing sensations got extremely bad. The next day an interview by Dr Yonit on Julie’s recovery popped up again on my Youtube feed. I chanced upon Dr Yonit’s channel a while back and saw that video, but didn’t think it was relevant then so I didn’t watch it. Somehow something in me told me to click on it. I can only say that God has His way of responding to prayers - Some of the symptoms Julie described were exactly the same and most importantly, she made a full recovery! 

  • I started watching more of Dr Yonit’s videos and registered for her free course.
  • I also downloaded the audiobook “The Way Out” by Dr Alan Gordon as it was mentioned in the interview. 
  • While doing the course, I also listened to the audiobook twice and jotted down all the techniques. The book really helped confirm it is Neural Circuit Dizziness (Mindbody Syndrome) and allayed my fears. I learned about Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) through the book and applied the techniques. I went ahead to purchase the book and read it again. It helped that I have already been a strong believer in mindbody healing due to an injury I had years ago. 
  • I listened to Dr Yonit’s Somantic Tracking videos once in the morning and once before I went to bed. After joining her membership, I saw another video on Guided Exposure. I listened to it before doing any activity that can trigger the dizziness. 
  • I wrote messages of safety on pieces of paper and pasted them around my house. I recited them repeatedly every day, and only removed them about two weeks later after I got better. 

In short, what I was experiencing was due to an overactive (dysregulated) nervous system and my brain was in ‘danger’ mode (fight or flight response). Dr Yonit provided an explanation in this video. The good news? This is entirely reversible. 

MindBody Connection

Shared by MindBody Connection

Published 04 Aug 2023